Writing Off Weight

It is Time to Crack YOUR Cravings!

What do you typically crave? Do you give in or simmer because you are frustrated? For me, I crave chocolate. I could seriously eat chocolate every day….but I don’t. The more I eat it the more I want it. I crave it during stressful and emotional times. I know that after a long day at work if I do not have a healthy dinner ready to go when I get home chocolate will be nemesis!

Instead of always feeling like willpower is nonexistent focus on straightforward approaches. Prep yourself to be ready to go, so that you don’t even have to think about it. When we are organized and prepared HEALTH is able to be achieved and easily maintained. Follow these strategies to crack your cravings.

  • Eat a large and nutrient-dense breakfast. This should be your largest meal within your day. We strive to eat our smallest meal at night and wake up excited for breakfast, because we are hungry! Check out all the Breakfast Recipes I have posted.
  • Eat foods low in the glycemic index to stabilize blood sugar levels. When we eat foods high on the glycemic index (white, processed, high in sugar) we create a rollercoaster of energy levels. Instead focus on vegetables, beans, fruit, & nuts/seeds.
  • Eat your craving food in a very small proportion. It is ok to sometimes give into that food but keep the eating to less than 3 small bites.
  • Eat 3 hours prior to bed and get a restful night of sleep. Sleeping 7-9 hours can reduce our tiredness throughout the day, therefore reducing our cravings.

A lot of times when I know I need to give into my craving, I will choose to make it a healthier choice. I love to make chocolate pudding, raw coconut brownies, or ice cream with unsweetened cocoa added in.  As a nutritionist, I am by no means perfect but I always try to add in a few vitamins and minerals even to my dessert.

Sometimes cravings are simply a sign that the body needs nutrients. When a craving strikes, consider choosing whole food (nutrient dense) alternatives to help satisfy. For example, fruit can help with a sweet tooth. Foods such as nuts or seeds, fruit, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, tomatoes, or plain Greek yogurt with cinnamon and berries are a few ideas that may also help with various cravings—if you try them, let us know if they help. Crack your craving this week to push you forward to achieving health!

Do you do any other strategy to overcome cravings?

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